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Open source

Open Source Code

If the code is stored in a public Github repository, it allows people to review the code and the test system. If many people view the code, then it is likely that defects in the code will be found. Additionally, it allows for the assessment of such things as the number of tests.

Some people argue that a private Github repository is more secure, believing that issues can be hidden from attackers. However, attackers who are sufficiently motivated often obtain access of private repository or to a copy of the code, and are then able to exploit any vulnerabilities. Not having the repository public then hinders white hat developers from helping, in the case of an attack.

When using a public repository, it is important that issues that relate to vulnerabilities and code fixes for vulnerabilities are not put on the public repository before a release including the vulnerability fix has been deployed. Not doing this equates to publishing vulnerabilities that can be used to exploit the project. The approach that should be taken is to review and test the vulnerability fix using the private repo, deploy from the private repo, and the push the fix to the public repo.

Last update: October 13, 2023
Created: October 13, 2023